
Lessons Beyond the Lecture Hall: Faculty Advice for a Fresh Start to the Semester

Starting your journey at a new college can be overwhelming. 在注册课程之间, 了解这里的情况, 与同行和教授会面, 和 potentially being away from home for the first time, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture 和 remember what brought you here in the first place.

无论你是 转移 一个新正规的网赌平台, 上大学 第一次,或者 跳进 研究生院第一脚, chances are you’re feeling a little disconnected while contemplating the adventure you’re about to begin. 你的目标是什么?? What are the passions you’re hoping to explore? 你想成为什么样的人?

To help you ease your mind 和 prepare for the exciting journey that awaits, we’ve asked some of UB’s 教师 to think back to when they were just starting out 和 share with you the advice that they wish they had received along the way.

Dr. 兰迪·莱斯特教授 英语他是英语系的主任

“Times of transition can be stressful, but they are also rich with possibilities for self-discovery, 创新, 培养新的视角. 之间的世界, in the nether space between the past 和 the future, a time of transition is a precious window of opportunity to break out of established habits of living 和 thinking 和 to invent new ways of becoming yourself 和 new selves to become. 正规的网赌平台 is designed to be a place where you can feel supported as you take advantage of this exciting time. 重新发现你内心的激情. 认识新朋友. Learn something that blows your mind. Pioneer new l和scapes of thinking 和 dreaming. This is your future, 和 it begins today!”

Jessica Andre, assistant professor of 心理学

为自己辩护! Communication is key, 和 you should (almost) always ask! Communicate what is going on, 和 don’t be afraid to ask if you need help in any way. 在需要的时候寻求帮助. You were probably told that being in college is about independence, 和 while it is true no one will wake you up to tell you to go to class, it does not mean you are on your own. There are many resources — that you are already paying for — that are waiting to assist you. 好好利用这些. The most successful students underst和 using these resources is not a weakness but a sign that you are smart enough to know when you need a helping h和.”

Spiros Katsifis,主席 生物学

“You are about to engage in an experience generally called ‘higher education,’ but it is actually your best opportunity to build 和 develop yourself personally 和 professionally. We are here to help 和 guide you in that process, 和 we are ready to connect with you in all aspects of your experience at UB — in the classroom, 实验室, 办公室, 食堂, or outside under one of our beautiful trees — wherever, 每当, 只要对你有用就行. 最重要的是, 然而, is not the content of your courses but the commitment, 深度, 和 integrity with which you pursue your educational 和 professional growth. 是开放的, 诚实的, 忠于你的梦想, 和在一起, we will embark on a beautiful 和 fulfilling experience, which is the ultimate goal of ‘higher education.’ Don’t forget to meet 和 mingle with new students 和 let them see who you are. 友好和开放.”

Donna Oropall, assistant professor of 人类服务

活在当下. 这是我们真正拥有的一切. Take advantage of the ancient practices such as yoga 和 meditation to ensure you are your best self 和 can show up for others.”


Ajay Shrestha,兼职教员, 工程学院

“We are amid the greatest technological disruption ever in human history. There are opportunities 和 challenges ahead. Continue learning 和 investing in your well-being. 这对你的成功至关重要. Future-proof yourself with a combination of hard 和 soft skills that will be difficult for AI to replace. Find common ground between what you are naturally good at 和 what your passion 和 future aspirations are.”


Mya Scarlato, director of Arts 和 Humanities, chair of Music 和 Music Education

找到一个社区. Join a music ensemble, student club, or team that involves an activity that you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to ask for help — that’s why we are here! 最后, be disciplined about distractions — turn your phone off 和 avoid social media while you do your classwork — you’ll work more quickly 和 efficiently 和 have more free time afterward!”


Laura Greco, associate director of academics 和 associate professor, 口腔卫生学院 我代表Fones的全体教员

“准备好上课, 找一个学习小组, reach out to your UB resources on campus, 与校园里的其他人联系, 做好工作准备, 拥抱你的新职业, 和 感到骄傲.”


Fredrick Dombrowski, assistant department chair, 临床心理健康咨询

“Create a self-care plan you can implement daily to help manage the stress of post-graduate learning. You are worth the investment; be sure to take care of yourself!”

正规的网赌平台’s 教师 are excited to meet you where you are — no matter where that may be in your educational journey. They want to support you on your unique path toward a career that brings you purpose. We don’t believe in the “ivory tower” view of higher education — our 教师 are simply humans looking to connect with you 和 be a part of your campus community. 在UB, #不属于.

Learn all the ways #UBelong at UB by visiting 布里奇波特.edu/ubelong!